Treating the Soil

  • One should give back to the Earth that which has been taken.
  • In organic farming this comes through composting.
  • A compost bin/pile can be constructed according to any method.
  • While layering the organic materials in the compost pile as per the chosen method, Agnihotra ash is added.
  • Agnihotra ash energizes the material as it decomposes, giving the earth (with which it is treated) subtle energies to aid growth.
  • Before seed preparation, prepare the soil for seedling trays or if directly sowing in the garden bed or field prepare the soil a day or two before planting by adding Agnihotra ash to the soil.
  • When establishing a new garden it is advisable to have the soil tested for mineral deficiencies and pH level. This can then be corrected if required with organic mineral fertilizers. When applying these, also incorporate Agnihotra ash in the soil at the same time.
  • Thereafter the soil in the garden beds or fields can be renewed with Gloria Biosol, vermicompost, various plant composts and Agnihotra ash.
  • If planting in trays, add Agnihotra ash to the basic organic seedling mix.

Importance of Phosphorus

  • All growing plants need phosphorus for healthy growth.
  • However, regardless of how much phosphate is added to the soil, only the water soluble portion can be utilized by the plant.
  • Phosphorus is relatively insoluble in water and hence phosphate fertilizers have been developed to increase the amount of available soluble phosphorus in the soil.
  • An important effect associated with Homa organic farming is that the solubility of phosphorus automatically increases when Agnihotra ash is added to the soil so there is no need to add extra phosphate.
  • Dr Tung Ming Lai from Denver, Colorado, USA has taken some trials with phosphate solubility in several types of soil. It can be seen clearly that the addition of Agnihotra ash in each case increases the solubility of phosphorus.