The Honeybee

Due to pollution, honeybees are dying now on a mass scale, worldwide. Bees cannot get enough nutrition to survive. They are also severely affected to their detriment by applications of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture, as well as genetically modified organisms and even mobile phone towers. Scarcity of bees is a major threat to agricultural production. Bees also become aggressive in areas where chemical pesticides have contaminated their food sources.

Bees are attracted to Homa atmosphere as the amount of energy they receive from Agnihotra fire helps them to perform at a greater level of efficiency. When this is translated to pollination, they can help to increase the yields of crops. This is especially true with corn, tomatoes, berries, fruit and the like.

The work of the Homa organic farmer is complemented by the work of bees.

  • Bees contribute to agriculture with the pollination of agricultural and fruit crops, in forestry and also to cattle and dairy farming, by pollinating the pastures.
  • Bees produce honeycombs containing high quality honey, pollen, wax, propolis and royal jelly, through the Homa Therapy effects. These products of the bees are categorized as both valuable food and medicine. In particular, the honey of bees in Homa atmosphere has more potent anti-biotic effects than non-Homa honey.
  • Bees aid in the preservation of the plant kingdom.

According to ancient wisdom:

  • Inborn in the honeybee are certain hormones that are produced solely in Homa atmosphere. This subject is foreign to anything science has encountered so far in this respect. These hormones help the nutritional levels in vegetables and fruits to yield at much increased rates.
  • Usually drone bees do not work. However in an area where Homa Therapy is applied, the drones begin to work like the worker bees, contributing to honey production. This special phenomenon occurs only through the effect of Homa Therapy.

Homa Therapy Treatment of Bees

  • Keep bees in Homa atmosphere.
  • Occasionally perform Agnihotra next to the hives.
  • Place ash on the landing at the entrance of the hive so that it will be carried into the hive by the bees.
  • If supplementing feed with sugar water or honey ensure that it is organic and place some Agnihotra ash in the feed.

Sanitary Treatment of Bees with Homa Therapy

Beehives are affected by contamination. That is why a high incidence of plagues and diseases exist inside the area where bees are raised. The most frequent pathogenic agents are insects, such as, ants, lice, moths, mites, wasps, blowflies, beetles, etc.

Due to food shortages in agricultural areas, beehives are sometimes robbed. While removing the honey, the robbing insects can leave microbes that produce illness in the bees.

  • If a beehive is attacked by insects, use Agnihotra ash and apply it after cleaning the area. Sprinkle the Agnihotra ash powder after sunset and surround each beehive with the Agnihotra ash.
  • If there is an ant attack, besides carrying out the procedure described above, look for nests of ants and sprinkle them also with the Agnihotra ash. Conventional technology in beehive handling uses chemical substances like carbon bisulphate or calcium cyanide for this purpose, putting the purity and integrity of the honey and the health of the bees at risk.
  • If there are lice present in the beehives, it has been observed that they disappear through the effect of Homa atmosphere and the smoke that is generated through the Homa fires.
  • When the hives are installed near the Om Tryambakam hut of a Homa farm, this strengthens even more the health of the bees.
  • Nosema apis is a disease that frequently can be found in the intestines of bees, putting them into a state of lethargy. As preventive medicine and treatment, complementary to Homa Therapy, one has the Agnihotra ash water solution and the sources of drinking water to which Agnihotra ash is added.
  • Many illnesses can be prevented by applying the solution of Agnihotra ash water to the beehives, after having cleaned them. You can even use a brush to apply the Agnihotra ash water solution to the whole surface of the frames.