Aloe vera is a plant that looks like a cactus, but is actually a member of the lily family. The particular kind of Aloe vera is used for natural remedies and its leaves contain a gel that is rich in therapeutic properties. Aloe appears to inhibit infection and promote healing of minor burns and wounds, and possibly of skin affected by diseases such as psoriasis. Dried aloe latex is used, with caution, as a drastic cathartic. Aloe vera is a perennial crop. The first cut is taken one year after planting. The plant is harvested for its fresh leaves.
The crop is still in the growing stage. The data presented in Table 5.6 pertains to 90 days after planting.
Table 5.6: Effect of organics on yield attributes of Aloe vera after 90 days of planting

T1= FYM @20t/ha + vermicompost @15t/ha & Panchang; T2= T1 + biopesticide; T3= T1 + Agnihotra ash; T4= T1 + Bt & Himbio; T5= T1 + BD 500; T6= Control + Panchang; T7= FYM @20t/ha + vermicompost @15t/ha & Non Panchang; T8= T7 + biopesticide; T9= T7 + Agnihotra ash; T10= T7 + Bt & Himbio ; T11= T7 + BD 500; T12= Control + Non Panchang
As for the plant height and plant spread is concerned, it was found that there was a significant increase in Panchang sowing over the Non Panchang sowing in control (T6 &T12) while in the treatments where organics were added the Panchang and the corresponding Non Panchang treatments were at par with each other. Highest plant height (32.53 cm) and plant spread (x= 25.62; y= 29.70) was obtained in treatment T3 (Org. manure + Agnihotra ash + Panchang) and the lowest plant height (10.40 cm) and plant spread (x= 6.8 cm; y= 7.2 cm) were obtained in T12 (control + Non Panchang) treatment.
To sum up, it has been clearly demonstrated in this experiment that in aloe vera, addition of Agnihotra ash was significantly superior to other organic treatments. It significantly affected the growth and yield attributes of all the crops.