The cow is a very special animal. When referring to cows we mean all progeny of the cow – female, male, calf, ox, steer or bullock. It is essential to have cows on a Homa farm. Their beneficial presence on the farm covers many aspects; some obvious, some perhaps, not so obvious.
The cow gives many products, which are useful and beneficial for our health and for agricultural purposes: milk, ghee, dung, urine, draft labor
For Homa Therapy two of these are most essential; for Agnihotra and other Homas we use cow’s ghee and cow dung and in Homa farming cow urine.
There are different breeds of cows. Some scientific observations were made in Eastern Europe to determine what breed is strongest and able to resist diseases and harmful radiation from the sun. The conclusion was that the cow with the hump, also referred to as Brahman breed of cow, has highest resistance.
Pastures where the cow eats and the water it drinks on the Homa farm are highly energized due to the Homa atmosphere. Agnihotra ash can be used in their feed and water supply. Therefore the products the cow produces are more energized and, as a result, the Homa fires become more potent. It is like a positive feedback cycle.

The milk from the Homa cow can be used for making ghee. This ghee is medicinal as it is created in such a high-energy environment. This also increases the potency of the Homa fires. Cows in Homa atmosphere produce more cream in the milk. Also you obtain more ghee than from milk of cows in normal situations where 1 liter of milk normally produces about 30 grams of ghee. At the Homa Farm, Tapovan in India, cows produce up to 40 grams of ghee per liter of milk.
Observations were made by The Dean of Animal Husbandry at the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, Tingo Maria, Huanuco, Peru over an 18 month period. It was noted that Homa cows did not have any placenta remaining in the body after delivery, while in other cows it is very common that a percentage of the placenta is left behind; infection often develops, sometimes to the detriment of the cow. This creates a risk for the animal’s health. So the health of the herd is improved on a Homa farm.
According to ancient wisdom the breath of the cow is beneficial and considered healing. It is imbued with Life Force or Prana. In Europe it was still common practice in the early 20th century to have tuberculosis patients sleep in the cow barn, breathing in the beneficial fumes of the cow and thus being healed of their ailment.
Just the actual presence of cows on a farm is in itself very transformative, when the cows are treading the soil; for example, when ploughing the land, they are fertilizing the soil while they walk. Energy is flowing through the cows into the soil. But people now remove the horns of the cows and that changes the energetic configuration of the cow.
If you do not have cows yet on your Homa farm, you should try to source organic cow dung for the Homa fires. Non-organic cow dung can also be used, but as a last resort. The cow dung and its urine are also used for the production of Homa Biosol and for composting. Cow’s urine is also used in Homa organic farming for treatment of seeds before planting and as a natural pesticide. It has medicinal use in Ayurvedic treatments.