In fact, it is called a “Mega Drought”, and according to Radio Bío Bío, the lack of rain has been particularly extreme in the central area of Chile and around Santiago, with a very low level of rainfall.
Curacaví, where we live in the farm named ‘Satsang’, is precisely in the area of extreme drought. Several residents, even with deep wells of more than 30 meters, had to start buying water in cistern trucks because their wells dried up. During the summer, we see every day water trucks passing to our neighbors’ plots.
In January we started to worry about our well, which is less than 15 meters deep, because it was giving less water. We had to buy several water tanks to be able to fill the pool, and we had to reduce to the minimum our water consumption.
In these circumstances, Juan José Rodrigues began to go every day to the well to place Agnihotra Ash into it. About two weeks later -without rain- the well began to recover. One day, I saw Juan happy filling the pool with the hose … We did no longer need to buy water and I was able to wash more clothes again!
During February we traveled out of the farm during 10 days. Our friends who were in charge of Satsang did not place Agnihotra Ash into the well. When we returned, the water level had gone down! Juan José announced me, we would probably have to buy water again, and I had to ask a friend from Santiago for a “help” to go and wash clothes at her house.
However, a week later, by placing Agnihotra Ash in the well every day, the well was already recharged. |