Guayaquil, Ecuador
South America
Engineer Gilberto Navarro is Director of the Center of Organic Agriculture of the Government of the Province of Guayas, Ecuador.
“We decided to combine the technology of organic agriculture with the technology of Homa Farming when Maria de Belen Cajas, a University student, came for internship. She supplied the Agnihotra ash. She and her parents, the architects Alejandro and Estefania Cajas have been practising Agnihotra for many years.”
“It is very difficult to grow tomatoes in Ecuador in winter. There are really many problems like: phytophthora, fusarium wilt and plagues like the Black Leaf Mould. It is difficult to work with this solanacea in the rainy months.”
“However, we treated two tomato varieties, one that is small and juicy, and another variety for salad. We were really amazed at the results after two months of treatment with the Agnihotra ash solution! We saw how the tomato plants kept their green color and developed wonderfully. The tomatoes didn’t present any attacks of plagues like the phytophthora, which usually shows up at that time. They stayed free of viruses.”
“Let us remember that organic cultivation is more susceptible to plagues and diseases. But that doesn’t occur with Homa Technology, which also expands the time of productivity; so it seems that more life was given to the cultivation. These plants have not received any water in 10 days and you don’t see a single fruit that has problem of bacterial stains, phytophthora, spoilage or fungi. You can check each plant and each tomato. And you should taste these tomatoes. They are wonderful!”