Mariana Hilgers Story | Malaga, Spain

Mariana Hilgers
Foundation “Centro Las Torcas”
Velez, Granada, Malaga, Spain

       "In 1998, there was nothing at all growing here on our farm due to a severe drought.

(photo: the land when they bought it)

    Then we have planted, seeded and nature has self-sown many plants and trees. The people from the town said that the previous owners were very lucky for they found two fools (my husband and me) to buy that land.

There were only stones and no water. But a few years later, they said that we have been very lucky to find such fertile ground.

        I practice Agnihotra since 1991. I talk to the plants, the land, the water, and the elementals and ask for their permission and assistance. When I plant or water the plants, I sing the Tryambakam Mantra and I am full of joy.     (Photos below: the bio garden is 5 weeks after being planted. It only took three months from seed to harvest. The onions, leeks, paprika, tomatoes, salads, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchinis, etc. are ready to be harvested.)

  I have two Australian pines; a friend gave them to me in 1998. We had to make a hole with the pick because the ground consists just of rocks.  Near Otivar, there is a friend who has a farm by the river with good soil and his trees do not have even half the height of our trees.
    Our trees are huge and all they get is just a little water with Agnihotra ash.

    I also have 120 varieties of culinary and medicinal herbs, some of which grow wild.

(photo right: from one lettuce seed we sometimes get 3 heads; they share the same stem.)

      "This tree (photo below) typically does not grow in this region, because this is a place of drought…. (almost no water). This tree needs plenty of water.
    It is a Mora tree. I was told that it was not possible to plant this tree here and that it will not grow. I still planted it in 1998, after the drought, 17 years ago.  
‘ place)    

    And see: this Mora tree gives fruits every year and it receives water only through drips in two points, nothing more. However, we water it with Agnihotra ash water. This is another witness that Homa Therapy works. Check out its health!"

In 1984, I started my first lecture about organic farming practices at the University of Seville.  Nobody had any idea about the practical work in this field.   Then people and institutions called me to give courses on this.

    I have also written three books on organic farming from the beginning up to the processing and marketing. In my courses, I not only speak about and practice organic farming, but also what follows. I seek ways so people will not leave their villages, but be able to make a living there. We also give guidance in other income-generating activities such as: family tourism, small businesses, search for the market, how to attract tourists to the towns, etc.
   In these courses, I also teach Agnihotra and Homa Farming Technology.

     In December (2014), I turned 85 years old. My secret is that every morning, the first thing I take is warm water with Agnihotra ash, 2 tablespoons apple cider and two spoons of honey and I am a positive and grateful person.
   I have not given courses in South America yet, but I would love to serve there too."

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