Art of Living International Campus
Karnataka, India
Report by P.J. Joseph, Asst. Director of Agriculture
District: Kasaragod
24th August, 2004
- I first visited the coconut gardens of the Art of Living International Campus, Bangalore on 15th August, 2004.
- During my inspection I noticed severe attack of leaf eating caterpillar pest Nephantis serinopa.
The leaves of most of the coconut palms were being eaten away by the caterpillars and the attack was fast spreading from the palms in the north portion to the southern region.
- I recommended that they cut the severely affected leaves right away and burn them to release the parasite Bracon brevicornis.
- Meanwhile, the campus YLTP team had commenced Agnihotra in this area, at the instigation of Shri Shri Ravi Shankar.
- On 18th August the leaves of some of the severely affected palms were cut down.
- I inspected the leaves but could not find any larvae on them.
- Further, I opened the cocoons to see the pupae, but I noticed that all the pupae were dead.
- I then recommended to stop the cutting of the leaves.
- I now certify that the coconut garden is free from leaf eating caterpillar, Nephantis serinopa.